Organ Donation - A Patient's Journey
Speaker: Transplant Coordinator - Sister Sylvia Crump.

Tour of the Universe
Presented by Pete Quinn, Astronomer and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and British Interplanetary Society.

Tabletop sale
E-mail annelouise29@icloud.com to book your table for £10.
Please note start time is 2.00 pm

A Summer Stroll
Aim to meet at Marshfield at 6.00 pm (first exit on A420 to Marsfield village).
Walk to West Littleton. Distance 6 Km, estimated time at “WI pace” 1.5 hours.
Return to cars at 7.30 pm.
Meet at The Bull for drinks at 8.00 pm.
There is one gate to negotiate and a few stiles. It is suggested that you wear long trousers in case of nettles/brambles.
Should be fun!

Herbal Remedies from Your Garden
Herbal Remedies from Your Garden - presented by Jutta Blumenthal, medical herbalist

Always Born To The Right People
Makaton is a communication programme, especially designed to help children and adults with communication and learning difficulties to better understand our speech and develop their own communication skills.

Embrace the New Year with Tai Chi
Discover the ancient non-combative ancient martial art of Tai Chi and get your new year off to a good start with Bristol School of Tai Chi instructor Derry Smart.